the starling ne demek?

The Starling, the European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris), is a bird species that belongs to the family Sturnidae. They are found throughout Europe, Asia, and North Africa, but have been introduced to many other parts of the world, including North and South America, Australia, and New Zealand.

The Starling is a medium-sized bird, about 20 cm long, with shiny black feathers and a metallic green-purple iridescence on the head, chest, and back. They have a yellow bill, dark eyes, and a short tail. The sexes look alike, but juveniles are duller in color.

Starlings are omnivorous, feeding on insects, fruits, grains, and seeds. They are known for their acrobatic flying skills, and often fly in large flocks, creating impressive aerial displays. They are also known for their ability to mimic other bird calls and even human speech.

In many areas, the Starling is considered a pest, as they can cause damage to crops and compete with native bird species for nesting sites. However, they are also valued for their pest control abilities, as they eat many insect pests, including grasshoppers, beetles, and flies.

Overall, the Starling is a common and adaptable bird, found in a variety of habitats, from urban parks to rural farmland.